Document 0652 DOCN M94A0652 TI From grim reaper to mainstream. DT 9412 AU Hoy KW; Morehead S SO Annu Conf Australas Soc HIV Med. 1993 Oct 28-30;5:57 (abstract no. SSW2). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ASHM5/94349003 AB From Grim Reaper to mainstreaming of HIV/AIDS services, a contextual analysis of service delivery based on policy documents and strategies in both the local arena and in Australia. The less obvious social work contributions to policy planning and practice applications will be identified and illustrated during the presentation using accounts of field experience, international information dissemination, professional special interest groups and HIV/AIDS telephone counselling service networks and applied practice. DE *Attitude to Death Australia Combined Modality Therapy Human HIV Infections/PSYCHOLOGY/*REHABILITATION *Patient Care Team *Social Work MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).